Set in 1980 during the Gwangju Uprising, This drama tells the love story of a medical student Hwang Hee Tae (Lee Do Hyun) and a nurse Kim Myung Hee (Go Min Shi). Their love seems destined by fate.
Hee Tae is a medical student, who entered medical school at the top his class. He seems like an easygoing person, but he also has an unyielding spirit and obstinacy. Myung Hee has worked as a nurse for the past 3 years. She is a lovely person, who stands up against what is not fair.
Title Name : Youth Of May 五月的青春 (2021) Vol.1-12 End
No of Disc : 4 Disc
Version : Korean
Subtitles : English / Chinese
Format : DVD / ALL Region
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