Title : Doll’s Frontline – Complete TV Series *English Dubbed*
In 2045, most of the Earth was ravaged by Collapse Fluid pollution. World War III broke out across the world over limited housing and food. When the war ended, the world was devastated and civilization is on the brink of collapse. Labor shortages have prompted advances in mechanical technology and resulted in the creation of androids that imitate human beings but have abilities that far transcend human capabilities. Similarly, androids known as Tactical Dolls (T-Dolls) are used by private military companies in the frontlines of numerous brushfire wars.
One day, the AI of the munitions company Sangvis Ferri suddenly rebelled against humankind. The “Anti-Rain” Squad, an elite T-Doll squadron belonging to the private military company Griffin & Kryuger, begins to investigate.
Number of Episode : 1 ~ 12 End
Number of Disc : 2
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitle : English / Chinese
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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