The fantasy animated adventure The Westward – See You Wukong! is based on Zheng Jian He and Marco Tang’s Hong Kong comic inspired by Journey to the West. As China’s first 60fps CG animation film, The Westward breaks new ground visually while also reinterpreting the classic tale of the Monkey King.
Heavenly princess Suyi and Wukong meet and fall in love in the mortal world. However, the deities up in heaven see him as a demon and trap him under the Five Finger Mountain. Over 300 years, Wukong is gradually tamed by the teachings of Buddha. He agrees to protect Xuanzang in his pilgrimage to another world to bring back the Fire of Creation for the sake of humanity. After going through many obstacles, they finally return, only to discover a huge conspiracy that rewrites their fates.
Number of Episode : Movie
Number of Disc : 1
Language : Mandarin / Cantonese
Subtitle : English / Chinese
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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