Neo Tokyo, the year G.C. (Galaxy Century) 0051, which marks a half century since first contact was made. Humans have obtained super light-speed navigation technology and formed a commonwealth of planets with aliens. A streak of bad luck is continuing for self-proclaimed freelance reportage writer Robby Yarge, who is around 30 years old. He fails at work, so his contact is cut. His girlfriend leaves him, he nearly dies in a traffic accident, and debt collectors come after him. One day, a bag snatcher steals Robby’s bag, and a young man helps him. Hatchi Kita, an 18-year-old part-time worker, catches the criminal and returns Robby’s bag. Robby offers him his gratitude and a meal in return. The pair discover they are complete opposites and soon part ways.
Number of Episode : 1 – 12 End
Number of Disc : 1
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitle : Japanese / English
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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